mission mobilization Tag

Austin Gillis interviews Kirby Holmes about becoming a World Christian. If God is a global God then we should be global Christians. What is a World Christian? How does someone grow in becoming a Christian with a global perspective and heart for God’s work in...

When we hear the word “Mission” we tend to think of Matthew 28:18-20 or Acts 1:8. While these “Great Commission” verses are incredibly important to the modern mission movement, they can sometimes limit missions in the Bible to just a couple of verses. Instead, if...

“Other famous men, those of much talk and few deeds, soon evaporate. Action is the dignity of greatness.” -Jose Martí, Cuban revolutionary and poet. Recently part of the Storyline team traveled to the largest island in the Caribbean: Cuba.  Cuba has an amazing history, one which...

The late Ralph Winter, missiologist, mission mobilizer, and the founder of the U.S. Center for World Mission once said, “People cannot respond to God on the basis of information they do not have.” It was this conviction that was at the core of his vision...